简介:第一二集内容: King Sombra曾经统治小马国边缘的水晶王国,带来了无尽的苦难。后来他被塞拉斯迪亚公主和露娜公主联合击败,变成阴影,并被放逐。一千年后,King Sombra卷土重来,想要重新统治水晶王国。大公主希望暮光闪闪(twilight sparkle)一行去保护水晶王国,免受King
简介:While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants myste
简介:While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants myste
简介: 《The Swarm》是一部全球环境惊悚片,以弗兰克·谢特辛的著作为基础,讲述了当今世界海洋动物的反常行为和反常行为引发的动乱。数百万条奇怪的蠕虫突然出现在北海海底,钻穿冻结的甲烷,威胁到整个大陆架的稳定。成群的贻贝阻止了大型船只的机动。有毒的水母、龙虾和鲸鱼开始沿着世界海岸攻击人类。全球科学家
简介:本季情节贴合80年代的标志性事件,包括核战电影《浩劫后》(The Day After)的上映、前总统里根的星球大战演说、大卫-科波菲尔让自由女神像「消失」的神奇魔术。第四季的核心情节是「这个苏联间谍家庭如何生存(如何自保)」。与此同时,被囚禁在俄罗斯的双重间谍Nina有可能重返美国,与前情人Stan
简介:“The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he fall